Foreign Bodies is a multi-site contemporary art project, reflecting upon the notion of the ‘foreign’ in relation to prevailing attitudes in the UK. 

Organised by students on the MA Curation course at University of Exeter, Foreign Bodies explores the experience of being on the margins and what it feels like to be an outsider in a dominant cultural context. 

As well as considering issues of diversity and inclusion in relation to gender, health, sexuality, and race, Foreign Bodies considers what it must be like to be ‘more than human’ in an urban setting, and how our unchecked consumerism has polluted the world’s oceans. The project also invites alternative modes of thinking, beyond traditional Western divisions of nature and culture, such as the esoteric practices of magic and divination.  


The exhibition explores the theme of divination within the context of mysticism and spirituality. It aims to present two key aspects: the rise of feminism and the exchange and fusion of different divination cultures. The exhibition showcases the works of female diviners and interpreters, highlighting the importance and influence of women in this field. Interactive divination activities are also provided to allow visitors to experience this firsthand. The exhibition seeks to spark interest in mysticism and divination, to promote respect for the feminist tradition and to foster intercultural understanding. Ultimately, it aims to inspire hope and confidence in the future through the exploration of spirituality and divination. 


Yujie Chen

Shuo Gong

Yuxin Wang


KeFan Wang


Yihao Zhang

The exhibition explores the theme of divination within the context of mysticism and spirituality. It aims to present two key aspects: the rise of feminism and the exchange and fusion of different divination cultures. The exhibition showcases the works of female diviners and interpreters, highlighting the importance and influence of women in this field. Interactive divination activities are also provided to allow visitors to experience this firsthand. The exhibition seeks to spark interest in mysticism and divination, to promote respect for the feminist tradition and to foster intercultural understanding. Ultimately, it aims to inspire hope and confidence in the future through the exploration of spirituality and divination. 

Option 1 1
Option 2